Monday, February 28, 2011

Boob Size Of Asha Sachdev

purity of language and communication ...

" Thought and relationship are always in the way of language, of course, understood broadly, not only verbal. Language is not just a temporary coating and interchangeable concepts, but the context in which the living and pulsating thoughts, concerns and projects to the conscience of men are born and are shaped into gestures, symbols and words. Man, therefore, not only "use" but, in a sense, 'living' language . "

This was underlined by the Holy Father Benedict XVI received in audience this morning, the Plenary Meeting of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, which takes place in Rome from today to Thursday, March 3 on "Language and Communication.

In his speech, the Pope recalled that " new languages \u200b\u200bthat are developed in digital communication, determine, among other things, an ability more intuitive and emotional than analytical, oriented toward a different logical organization of thought and the relationship with reality, often prefer the image and hyperlinks . Underlining then the risks taken on this new road ("the loss of interiority, superficiality in live reports, the flight nell'emotività, the prevailing opinion more persuasive than the desire for truth"), the Holy Father highlighted the urgent need to reflect on the language developed by new technologies, starting from Revelation, "which testifies how God has communicated its wonders in their language and experience of real men," according to the culture proper to each age "(Gaudium et Spes, 58), until the full manifestation of himself in the Incarnate Son. Faith always penetrates enriches and enhances gives life and culture, and this, in turn, becomes the vehicle of faith, giving the language to think and express themselves. You must therefore be attentive listeners of the languages \u200b\u200bof the people of our time, to be attentive to the work of God in the world . "

Benedict XVI then approndire pointed out that the" digital literacy "does not mean only" express the Gospel message in today's language, but we must have the courage to think in a deeper way, as happened in other times, the relationship between faith, the Church's life and the changes that man is going through ... If the new languages have an impact on the thinking and of living, this involves, in some ways, the world of faith, his intelligence and his expression ... Jesus in proclaiming the Kingdom has been able to use elements of the culture and environment of his time: the sheep, the fields , the banquet, the seeds and so on. Today we are called to discover, even in digital culture, symbols and metaphors relevant to the people who can be of help in speaking of the Kingdom of God to modern man .

At the end of his speech, the Holy Father recalled the Jesuit missionary Father Matteo Ricci, "star of evangelization in China in the modern era," which " in his work of spreading the message of Christ has always considered the person, his cultural and philosophical context, its values, its language, capturing all the positive things he was in his tradition, and offering to animate and raise it with the wisdom and truth of Christ .
Benedict XVI


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