Yara is not the protagonist of a horror story. It 's his murderess sinking horror. But she is the star of a luminous story of heroic dignity. It is - why not say so - a testimony of holiness written in the blood of martirio.Forse not understand why now media circus will kick off with the usual controversy over the investigation, investigators, and feed on fighting mediocre media. The mud will prevent us from seeing what is most important and valuable: the purity of this girl and her heroism. The dominant culture does not know how to deal with purity. Nor with the holiness. She did not know. A huge word, holiness, be handled with care, but also right. And dazzling, glorious. In these hours of torture with Yara fact comes to mind another name, another face. The rest were the same age, 12-13 years. And it's the same story. The story of Yara Gambirasio it happened one hundred years after that of Maria Goretti, but there are big differences.
Yara - will be confirmed if the assumptions of the investigators - has been savagely murdered with a knife for his opposition to an attempted rape. Maria Goretti was canonized in 1950 by Pope Pius XII, but he too was a normal girl like Yara and found itself in a similar trap hell. Of course, times have changed and also the places are different. While Mary lived in misery of the Pontine Marshes in the early years of the twentieth century, Yara was born and raised in the modern civil Lombardy today. But Lombardy region is the most advanced and prosperous Europe without losing its Catholic soul, the roots of his faith, especially in Bergamo. The same earth and the same faith recounted in the 'Tree of Wooden Clogs "Yara has not only been baptized in the Catholic faith and educated not only the parish and attended a Catholic school, but just last year he had received confirmation, the sacrament that makes us soldiers Christ, ready to do anything to defend the dignity of God's children that the Savior has given us.
Many people think that everything is "so to speak, perhaps even many Catholics living with obvious truism that those great mysteries of the sacraments, which however are not expected and not at all obvious, because they give us really a divine force . We deify. Yara, thirteen of its simplicity, clean, simple, pure, defended his dignity with the heroism of the martyrs. As Maria Goretti. As the first martyrs in the early days of Christianity, so loved and venerated by the Church were often their peers Yara.
Saints are not UFOs, entity detail, superior beings. They are simply Christians who live as Christians, are our children, our friends. Men and women true. They reflect that the humble newspaper can be lived with heroism, with Christian heroism, even by a little girl soap and water. Indeed, perhaps more so by creatures like her - in Catholic history - they are favorite visibly from heaven: not by chance appearances Marian majority of teenagers are selected and especially teenage girls. Maybe so beloved by Madonna because so similar to her, the girl who received the annunciation in Nazareth. The rest just a few kilometers from the village of Yara, Bonate of gravel in the spring of 1944, there were the thirteen appearances of Our Lady, just a girl, Adelaide Roncalli (we hope that the diocese of Bergamo's rush to recognize them officially) .
And the message of Our Lady of the gravel bed at the center had its own unity and sanctity of the family was being threatened by very adverse times. In fact it is the family of Soon the whole modern culture would have bombed. It should be said that the tragedy of Yara has also put before the world the immense and silent witness of his parents. The family Gambirasio - the agony of this terrible ordeal - was and is a very clear example of dignity, unity, faith and love. And then the Christian faith is always community. In fact the whole parish of Brembo, a family of families that is the parish, the whole Christian people of that country has illuminated Bergamo Italy: we have seen in Brembate moved and saddened a nation that has never ceased, day and night, to pray with his pastor and he never ceased to get busy - Bergamo tenaciously - to find Yara.
His martyrdom is a huge pain. But the pastor has rightly said that this angel is now in heaven in the arms of Madonna. And I want to add, you can think of Yara (and talk) as Maria Goretti to the twenty-first century. We should see that heroism is a feature of the Christian faith. E 'heroic today as Christians. How heroic purity. It 's the thing that is unconventional. Our children who choose the purity and dignity of heroism and choose a path of ridicule, humiliation and beauty. After all, Jesus told his friends: "I am sending you like lambs among wolves ...".
Wolves devour the meat. But more often we live in a climate where the air we breathe tattered souls, the lost. Young people are the real heroes as Yara to look at, not the phony heroes created by the media. In fact, most young people who now teaches the purity, dignity, self respect, your body and soul? So I think that the testimony of Yara will not be truly understood. So I want to add a further consideration. Yara's story ended in the days to come back out for the umpteenth time, the controversy over the presence of crucifixes in public places, beginning with the schools. Incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bsecularism once again would like to delete them because they say that secularism means neutrality. It 'obvious that the state is neutral between religions.
But the state is not neutral between Good and Evil.
And crucified - as he wrote many years ago Natalia Ginzburg - is the sign of the victims, that's right, that the Christian story has become part of the culture of everyone, even non-Christians. The sign that we are all also lay with the crucified and not with those who crucified him. Even the secular culture that says you can not be neutral between victims and perpetrators. In fact, in every school in Italy, these days, talking about Yara, everyone will feel the side of the murdered girl. No one will feel "equidistant". Even less so that the secular state. The crucifix expresses this stand with the victims. The Ginzburg wrote that is good to look at the crucifix because "to be sold, betrayed and tortured and killed for their faith in life can happen to anyone. It seems to me that the good guys, the kids, they know right from the desks of the school.
Jesus Christ carried the cross. We all happened or happens to carry on their shoulders the weight of a great disaster. In this calamity we call the cross, although we are not Catholics, because they are too strong for too many centuries and is imprinted with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cross in our thinking. Everybody, lay Catholics and bring or carry the weight of a disaster, shedding blood and tears and trying not to collapse. This tells the crucifix. It says to all, not just Catholics.
Any words of Christ, we always think, and can be secular, atheist or whatever you want, but always in our thoughts float anyway. He said 'Love your neighbor as yourself'. They are the opposite of all wars. The opposite of aircraft that are laying the bombs on defenseless people. The opposite of rapes and indifference that so often surrounds women raped in the streets (...). The crucifix is \u200b\u200bpart of world history. "
Anthony Socci - From "Free"
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