Friday, March 4, 2011

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Dear atheist, do not give in to the new idols ...

A healthy "challenge" to the atheist, because it is really no idols. E is capable of opening up a "wait unexpected" that can have the face of Christ, God rejected by the believers of his time. Fabrice Hadjadj, French philosopher who converted to Christianity, will speak tonight at the Catholic University at the initiative of the Cultural Center of Milan on "Modernity and modernism. Speaking of the religious sense."

We can talk to God ii non-believers?
"We must recognize that the first difficulty is to discuss with believers. Is the teaching of the Gospel: Jesus is not aimed at atheists, but the specialists of faith, scribes and Pharisees. He wants to reveal to them the mystery of the Father. But they do not understand, even finish to crucify him. We find it hard to admit that some believers were put to death the Son of God when we believe we should fight to reduce God to a small idol at home. This name should open up his throat like an abyss. But the utter banality as a conceptual framework. If the rule with the vertigo dell'Innamorata! Before my conversion I could not bear that you pronounce the word "God" considered it as a wild card thrown on the table, betrayal, during a game of cards. It sounded like a way to avoid problems and misunderstanding the tragedy of life. "

How to "verify" the idea, often confused, God?
"He does not abolish the drama of existence but it does. This is what reveals the mystery of the Cross. The believers crucify you on God and God cries out to God: Why have you forsaken me? It is not something abysmal? Is it not true that it destroys all our idol and brings us back to the drama of the 'love strong as death "? It is necessary that believers recognize this tragedy and live the second commandment, which asks us not to pronounce God's name in vain I do not believe will be able to understand it better. "

speaks from experience?
"Yes. My conversion was also a "language". I discovered that the signifier "God" corresponds to the truth of the "Yes" by Friedrich Nietzsche and the 'Open' by Rainer M. Rilke. And it was not a poetic attitude or a philosophical concept, but the reality of a person who had preceded me in the depths of darkness. "God" no longer meant a solution, but an adventure. Not an answer but an appeal. This is not a marketing strategy. When you find the best way to talk about God, not sure that the other, listening, be converted. If we speak of God by imitating the power of Jesus, some converted, others end up crucified. It is a sign that we have spoken well. "

You have defined spirituality "a trick of the devil." On what to deal with atheists?
"Sexuality. In my "Mystic of the flesh" sex monster that reminds us of the true depth, down to the depths of God In the beginning God created man in His own image, male and female, so that their sexual relationship, with its fertility naturally becomes the image of the Trinity. Whatever the starting point, even a daisy or a slug, if we speak properly, we must go back to God, should not be relegated to the heights, but it did appear in most "low." Christianity is the reverse of spiritualism, spirituality and the Incarnation: the Word made flesh gives himself to us by an act of spiritual and carnal, the Eucharist. The sacraments are the touches of Christ. Certainly, to go to God we must go to the priest that is unpleasant, from that Christian who bothers us on the chair beside the poor by inviting him to the table. "

Recently apologetics has recovered. But she did not keep written words against him ...
"I have nothing against apologetics. This is what I try to do it myself right now. But there is the danger of remaining at the level of debate of ideas. Christianity is not about ideology: it is a life. And his soul is in love. When we separate love from the truth, we fall into sentimentality. And if you turn away truth and love, to lapse into dogmatism. The Truth of Christianity is its a person, not a theory. And God himself is not an anonymous nature, but a communion of persons. Many philosophical wisdom claim that the realization of man consists in a theoretical or in a state of serenity. Christianity offers more: an encounter. To make a good apology is this: before the confrontation ideally be surprised in the face of our party, and even if he did not understand anything and bother us in the end, we continue to admire him in the wonder that God provides and that he, the atheist, ignore. "

In his book-length interview Benedict XVI said the report, positive and fruitful, between Christianity and modernity. What aspects of the report, which enrich the faith?
"Modernity has two requirements. The first is of critical nature: modern man refuses to accept something just because it passed by his parents. Claim and wants to understand the reasons. But it can be ambiguous or leads to a deadly folding on itself or guide to a better understanding of faith. Second, the modern man wants a full "here and now. "because it breaks with the afterlife. Now, the node is that we are never here and now" to ourselves. Time flies, and when we are somewhere, we plan to go elsewhere. We're missing the presence. We are never with each other. To be totally present, and should coincide with being able to say: "I am who I am." This is the privilege of the Lord. That is not to turn to Him flee the "here and now", but approaches to it and try to be more present to everything and everyone. "

In his" The faith of demons "she criticizes the" new atheists "like Michel Onfray, example of 'atheist "wrong" that "does not seek more. "Non-believers are like that?
" All accused atheists of not being what they purport to be. An atheist is someone "godless", one must get rid of all idols, trying not to make his atheism an idol. It would be sad to get rid of the religion of Christ to make a atheism. This is what happens in most cases. To be truly atheist is something really difficult. When you leave the transcendent God, one prepares other idols : business, race, revolution, market ... Given that we are not God, but beings of desire, we need a principle to polarize our lives. I tried to be as an atheist. At the end of each sbarazzatomi idol, I was left with the availability to accept what did not come from me, what for some is the transcendence and the catechism called Revelation. This availability is an opening in the meeting. Heraclitus called it "the expectation of the unexpected," an opening that is offered in an event that comes to us through a multitude of witnesses "the apostolic tradition." A series of meetings began with Jesus and came up to me. "

by Lorenzo Fazzini Avvenire © are reserved


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